Modern slavery and human trafficking statement 


Modern slavery is a term that includes slavery, servitude, human trafficking and forced labour. Modern slavery is a crime and a violation of fundamental human rights. RMT operate a strict zero tolerance approach to any form of modern slavery. We ensure that our Firm acts ethically and with transparency in all of our business operations. We are committed to putting preventative measures in place and engaging with stakeholders to safeguard against any form of modern slavery within the business or our supply chain.

We are confident in the actions that we have taken to address the risk of slavery and human trafficking, and will continually review and improve our company procedures to combat modern slavery.

This statement sets out RMT’s current actions and ongoing commitments to recognising all potential modern slavery risks related to its business. We keep our processes under review and put in place steps and practices to ensure that there is no modern slavery taking place within our business or our supply chain.

RMT acknowledges its responsibility under the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (“the Act”) and will continue to act with transparency to ensure that the objectives of the Act are achieved consistently.

Our policy on slavery and human trafficking

RMT has a commitment to acquiring goods and services for business use without causing any harm onto others. We will take continued action to make sure that all our employees, agents and stakeholders are not subject to any form of modern slavery including forced labour or human trafficking. We will also make endeavours to ensure that employees, agents and stakeholders are paid in line with the national minimum wage.

RMT’s staff members have individual responsibility for the prevention of modern slavery. The Firm’s HR and Risk and Compliance teams take lead responsibility for overall compliance. Associated documentation with this statement will be annually reviewed.

The following RMT Policies and Procedures support the Firm’s compliance with the Act:

  • Recruitment Policy
  • Equality, Diversity and Anti-Discrimination Policy
  • Whistleblowing Procedure

Our supply chains

RMT operate a strict zero tolerance to slavery and human trafficking within our supply chains. We expect that other businesses, individuals or contractors operating in our supply chain comply with our values.

The supply chain that we operate within is not complex. Our supply chain consists largely of the purchase of goods and services to support the delivery of our services. UK businesses and contractors make up the vast majority of our suppliers.

RMT have identified potential areas of risk which include:

  • Recruitment
  • Security Services
  • Food & Catering Services
  • Construction / Building Services
  • Cleaning
  • Stationery and Office Equipment
  • Uniforms

In the event of procuring goods and services, RMT take appropriate action to ensure that suppliers prove a high level of corporate social responsibility and provide information on their own compliance with the Modern Slavery Act. This is carried out during the selection process.

Our plans for the future

RMT is committed to furthering the Firm’s understanding of supply chains and working towards higher levels of transparency and responsibility towards the people working in them.

We are committed to taking reasonable action to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place within our Firm or within our supply chains to the best of our knowledge.

RMT will further educate our employees on modern slavery and human trafficking through the distribution of flyers, posters and the circulation of emails on the subject.

We will take action to monitor our supply chains, in particular those areas that have been identified as a potential risk. We are confident that we can take appropriate action if necessary.

When undertaking any internal audits, we will consider modern slavery and human trafficking statutory compliance.

This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes our Firm’s slavery and human trafficking statement for the current financial year.

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