As a key stakeholder in a business, you need to know that the business is viable and will continue to be in the future.
You may have already been alerted to a business’ underperformance. Perhaps it’s failing to provide financial information on time, exceeding facility limits regularly, or exceeding supplier or HMRC terms.
Whatever the issue, you need to understand the reasons behind that underperformance and how it affects both your security and your options.
We can provide an independent review of any business which is aimed at getting to the root cause of those problems and also provide solutions to improve the position.
The objective of a review should be the rebuilding of trust between the lender and the business. At the end of the day both parties should be moving forward with similar goals.
Our reviews can be tailored for your requirements but typically include an assessment of:
- Current trading and financial position
- Cash flow, profit projections and comment on sensitivities
- Business and financial strategies
- Management and systems
- A way forward for the business
- Security review and exit strategy where appropriate
These services clarify the position for both lender and customer and allow transparent discussion of all the options available.
Key Contacts

Chris Ferguson
Director of Recovery and Restructuring
0191 256 9500